This is one of the funniest things I have seen in a while. But I do feel sorry for the poor guy. He obviously didn't want to be where he was and then a bug flew into his mouth.
***Language may not be suitable for everyone's ears***
Guy shows his true side after swallowing a bug on air. Goes from Dave Chappelle's white reporter to Chris Tucker in an instant
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
This is too Funny!!
Posted by LeeAnn at 9:27 AM 1 comments
Monday, September 28, 2009
We Love Our Animals

Posted by LeeAnn at 6:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: Animals
Friday, September 25, 2009
New Old Car
Or old, new car. Hell, I dunno. But what I do know is that I have another car in front of my house and I think that I own it.
Well here is the whole story... One of my friends at work recently fell on some hard times... When he needed someone to keep his beloved dog because of a nasty divorce - we took in the dog (for over a year) and when he needed a car, during this time I loaned him one of mine. So when he was having some major issues with his car - I loaned him one of mine again. That was 2 years ago!!!!
I am a SUV kinda gal now and usually drive a Jeep. But I also have a 1998 Pontiac Grand AM that I bought new. It's now paid for and in excellent condition, so I keep it around - just in case.
My friend and his wife only have 2 cars. His was having some major problems. So when he came to me and asked if he could borrow my car, I didn't hesitate to help out. He was looking for another car. He told me once he found a car and had it checked out I'd get mine back. He did find a car - but ya'd just have to know this guy... He wanted to have his "new" car checked out, drive it a while, make sure it was OK. That process took a good six months. THEN, my car blew a head gasket - not a good thing to have happen to a car!! My friend has a friend that is a decent mechanic so he talked to him about fixing the car. Problem was by then the weather ws getting cold and the mechanic can't do a lot in the cold weather because his garage isn't heated. Early spring comes - still no car. Now the mechanic is in Florida, because over the winter he go laid off from his real job, he can't work in his own garage because it is too cold. So finally in July the weather must have warmed up enough, the mechanic came home and my car was towed to the mechanic. The mechanic only works nights and weekends because he does have a real job (which he'd been called back to). Along the way I got progress reports and just knew I'd get my car back soon. Finally about 3 weeks ago - I got news that my car was done and back in my friend's possession. But now he wanted to clean it up before he returned it. So this past Friday night was the night!!! I was sooooo excited - now we'd finally have a spare car. My friend returned my car and I must say I think it came back in better condition than it left. He replaced the head gasket, the serpentine belt, the battery, a tire, a sensor of some sort, replaced the transmission fluid, all of the coolant, windshield washer fluid, vacuumed it, cleaned out the trash, gathered up all the change I had spilled all over AND washed it!!!!! Wow!
Wonder if he wants to borrow my Jeep for a while?
Posted by LeeAnn at 6:30 AM 1 comments
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Button, button
Posted by LeeAnn at 6:30 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Marietta, Ohio
Posted by LeeAnn at 6:30 AM 2 comments
Labels: conference, Marietta
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
It's Fall!
Posted by LeeAnn at 6:30 AM 1 comments
Labels: Fall
Monday, September 21, 2009
The first step is admitting it...
Hello! My name is LeeAnn and I am a hoarder. (OK whew! Got that off my chest)
If my background doesn't give it away, my profile certainly does. I am a creative type person and I love crafts. I love to shop and I spend my money on clothes (a topic for another day) and my craft habit.
I owe my creativity to being an only child. Since I didn't have brothers and sisters to harass play with when I was younger I had to learn to entertain myself when my friends weren't available. So I learned to sew, draw, paint and do a myriad of other things. I was always spending my allowance on fabric and drawing books whenever I had the chance.
One of my BFFs and I get together periodically to quilt. She knows how I am about crafts. So she's always showing off these necklaces and earrings she has been making. Then she made me a cute bracelet for Christmas. She knows how I am about jewelry too (dangit Mary Ann!!) So, she tells me how easy the things she had made were and that I should get into it - I would enjoy jewelry making. What she didn't know is how obsessive I really am (though the 5 bags of fat quarters should have clued her in). To make matters worse my VBFF also was starting some jewelry projects (but hse is always much more motivated than I am and actually finishes stuff).
Well I love crafts and I REALLY love jewelry. So it seemed like a natural progression. I decided to dive into jewelry making. But in my obsessive little mind I think that I have to have everything that I might ever need and have it on hand - just in case I have a brain storm and want to make something in particular. I can just go to my supplies and find everything I need.
So every chance I get I buy beads, findings and other jewelry supplies. I go on vacation, I seek out the bead stores and buy beads. Everytime I make a trip to JoAnn Fabrics for something I have to look at the beads and buy beads. To make it easier to deal with all these beads I have been trying to organize this stuff, because in order to make things, you have to know what you have and where to find it. After all summer of organizing and drafting my VBFF to help organize when she was visiting (Susan I know you are out there - THANKS!!) I STILL don't have these damn beads organized and put away.
So I threw them all in a pile the other day, just to see what it looked like. Mt. Bling!!! This is what it looks like.
I would hate to think how much $$$ is in that pile! Not to mention all the really lovely pieces I would have if I actualy did something with this stuff.
Posted by LeeAnn at 6:30 AM 3 comments
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Weekend Yard Sales
Why do we have such an affinity for other peoples junk???????
OK, maybe it's just me! I love yard sales, flea markets, tag sales, thrift stores, and "antique stores". Anywhere you might find someone else's used junk for sale - I am so there.
Our routine most weekends, is to get up on Saturday morning, go to Waffle House for breakfast and then begin to seek out yard sales. Nothing better than doling out hard earned money for something someone else was getting rid of. We do get some items that are just too good (and are cheap) to resell on eBay. Hey - if the original owner is too lazy or too dumb to utilize eBay - I'm certainly not too proud to invest a little time and effort (it pays for those trips to Waffle House and then some).
Admittedly I do keep my fair share of stuff. Never mind that we moved last year and I donated at least 5 truckloads of shit miscellaneous to the Kidney Foundation. I got rid of all that stuff - now I need some new!! And who can pass up a bargin???
A few weeks ago we went to a yard sale where they had clothes - lots of yard sales have clothes, you say - yeah but these were nice plus-sized clothes (and sometimes they are hard to find). I ran over to the line where the textile treasures were hanging, I was almost giddy, and sorted through them and began yanking items off the hangers as if I had won a shopping spree at Saks. I wound up with 4 tops and a pair of pants. As I carried my trophies away - I kept muttering about the good deal. And everytime I wear one of the items I can't resist telling whoever will listen - I got this at a yard sale - I paid $0.50 for it!!!
Now, sometimes we don't do so good. Last Saturday we hunted around at some yard sales and came up empty handed. We had all but given up and went to run the other errands that we had to do. We were on our way home, late in the afternoon, and we spotted a church that had table set up outside - Yes there is a God!! and He brought us to a sale at one of His houses. We shopped like that was the last sale of the season. Here is a picture of our bounty:
It is September and soon it will be too cold for yard sales. But we have our contingency plan in place: We hit the Thrift Store circuit!!
Posted by LeeAnn at 6:30 AM 3 comments
Labels: Weekends, Yard Sales
Friday, September 18, 2009
This Registers High on the ICK! Scale
***If you don't like the mention of bodily functions you might want to close your eyes today.***
But my attention, via another board I read, was brought to the fact that there are people who don't wash their hands. But, whats worse is that some of those people actually FAKE it!!!!!! (OK - There are certain things that just invite faking - but handwashing??) EEEeeeeewwwwww! Is it really worth faking? It only takes a minute and isn't all that difficult. There is at least one website dedicated to those who partake in "Fake Handwashing". There may be more but after reading the posts at this one site, my 50 year old heart just couldn't take anymore and I didn't look any further. (If you're interested in seeing it I can send you the link - I do't want to post it here because I really don't want to promote it in anyway)
By reading the posts, it sounds like teenagers who think it is funny. Apparantly there is some sort of sport to it - they go to the bathroom and then leave without washing. They brag about going through the motions by running water and rumpling up towels to make others think they have washed. OMG!! I get the whole "pee is supposedly sterile" thing but there is other stuff down there that isn't and no matter how clean you are or how careful you are - there is a potential for contamination. And I get that your hands get dried out in the wintertime - that's what hand cream is for! What bothers me is that they aren't just putting thierselves at risk - but those around them because other people may touch the same surfaces (like the bathroom door handle). I have never been one to be particularly bothered about what a person chooses to do to themselves - but when it affects other people - then I mind (thus the public health regulator in me).
Over the years I have constantly been amazed at the lengths people will go to get out of doing certain things things. But this one takes the proverbial prize!! I just had to rant about that somewhere and get it off my chest - I feel better now! Thanks for listening!
Posted by LeeAnn at 6:30 AM 2 comments
Labels: handwashing, Ick
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Meet the Kitties!
Something you will learn quickly about me is that I really like love cats! Real cats, pictures of cats, figurines of cats, basically all things feline. We are fortunate (to hear them tell it) enough to live here with 3 of the little furry critters.
We have:
Posted by LeeAnn at 6:30 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Happy Birthday to Me!!
Hi!! ::tap:: ::tap::: ::tap:: Is this thing on?
Today is my 50th birthday. That in itself is an amazing accomplishment. I look back on my life and wonder how I managed to make it this far. After all I grew up in a time when cars didn't have seat belts, we didn't wear bike helmets, and ritalin wasn't readily prescribed. So, I'm thinkin' it's been by a sheer miracle! But the truth of it is probably because I had a wonderful mother and grandparents who helped point me in the right direction. I have fantastic friends who have seen me through the good, the bad and the ugly (and not necessarily in that order). I share life with a guy I absolutely adore. I have a career that has never stopped being fun for me (even after 27 years). So maybe it is luck and I am one of the luckiest people on the planet.
But seriously, 50?? That's a half century!!!! My mortgage will probably outlast me. And, oh yeah, I got the AARP membership app in the mail last week - very funny. Ugh!!! Someone recently told me that 50 is the new 30. hhhmmm that has some appeal. I always considered my 30s to be the best because by then I knew who I was, what I wanted, i was responsible and grounded. So if I could just maintain that it won't be so bad.
If all else fails there is comfort in knowing that Geritol has a high alcohol content.
Posted by LeeAnn at 6:30 AM 7 comments
Labels: Birthdays