Like it or not - the holiday season is upon us!! For all the hustle and bustle that is involved, it really doesn't last all that long. I know I have had all year to prepare, but still here I am with nothing done and wondering how I am going to get everything completed that I need to. Even so, I love the holidays! I think I got that from my mother - she loved Christmas. I miss her everyday, but I think I miss her more during the holidays. Everyone just seems to be nicer to each other during the holidays. I hope this week I can begin to get my decorations and tree up.
Comme ça passe vite... Vingt-cinq ans déjà...
10 months ago
Wow love the new blog layout!!!! Very pretty!!!!!
It's funny, when I think of your Mom the first thing that comes to mind was that addition you guys built on the back of your house, and the big ass tree she'd put up in there!!! Your house was always quite Christmassy!
I think the holiday's are hard when we don't have our loved ones still here. That seems to be the time we always think of them.
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